About this site

Hi! Welcome to my corner of the Net.

I am a Swedish travel writer and photographer. I mostly write in Swedish (sorry – I am fairly fluent in English as well as I’ve lived in Wales but for the time being all my books are in Swedish). If Swedish isn’t your cup of tea, perhaps you can enjoy my pictures?

Tomatsallad contains a mix of  my thoughts and hobbies (like good ale, decent coffee and exploring the neighborhood, mostly Westcoast Sweden and the French Riviera). It also contains one or two pictures :-).

Note that all pictures are my property if not stated otherwise. You are welcome to borrow them for non-commercial uses, if you link to where you found them with due credit to Kristina Svensson.

If you want to get in touch, ask a question or borrow a picture. E-mail me at chefstomaten [at] tomatsallad [dot] nu or check out my other website.

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